Saturday, January 18, 2014

Sarah's Engagement Ring | December 2013

My big brother, David, got engaged December 28, 2013! :)  His fiancee, Sarah, lives in Canada, so before David took the ring up there to propose to her, I had a little photo session of it.  David came home from work just in time to see me balancing the ring on some tree branches!  Hey, I do what it takes to get the shot!  (I had mom holding her hands under the ring as I balanced it because I was sooo afraid I'd drop it & lose it in the leaves!)

If you know David at all, you'll know that, in general, he's very particular about details.  I don't know of any guy that has ever put as much thought & research into choosing an engagement ring as David did.  All Sarah told him is that she preferred yellow gold for the band... the rest was up to him.  Afterwards she told him that she had secretly hoped it would be a solitaire!  He did such a great job... several people have said that it fits Sarah & her personality perfectly!



  1. Thank you, Anna; they're beautiful!

  2. You're welcome! Thanks! Can't wait to take pictures of you with it! :)


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