Saturday, November 5, 2016

Maternity | David, Sarah, & William

the littlest things
take up the most room
in your heart
-Winnie the Pooh-

As the glowing sunlight peeked through the trees on their property, where their house is being built, we documented the fact that a brand new, tiny, little, person will be making an appearance soon.  David & Sarah.  Two years married.  And now, a precious little boy being protected in Sarah's belly.  After waiting & trusting God, little William is an extra special gift!  To see more of David & Sarah, you can check out their wedding & 1st anniversary posts!

"The moment a child is there, the mother is also born. She never existed before.  The woman existed, but the mother, never.  A mother is something absolutely new."

William, be prepared for lots of kisses, loving, & spoiling!  We're all so excited to meet you!

Love, Aunt Anna


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